Pirates of the Burning Sea Introduces New Feature: The Boarding Party!

by on Sep 26, 2007

<strong>Pirates helping pirates be pirates.</strong> Flying Lab Software has just announced their newest Pirates of the Burning Sea feature, and it's not really a game feature at all: It's the Boarding Party, an exclusive fan club dedicated to making P

Pirates helping pirates be pirates.

Flying Lab Software has just announced their newest Pirates of the Burning Sea feature, and it's not really a game feature at all: It's the Boarding Party, an exclusive fan club dedicated to making PotBS the best game it can be!

What Can Boarding Party Members Do?
The real question is: What can’t they do? Boarding Party members might organize exclusive Pirates of the Burning Sea gatherings (we love a Party!), or help spread the word about new and interesting information about the game. Some Boarding Party members might even join Flying Lab Software staff at conventions and events, while other members will be selected to join special interest groups organized to provide direct feedback to our developers regarding Pirates of the Burning Sea game features, during the beta test, and beyond! Like to help other people? That’s what the Pirates of the Burning Sea Boarding Party is all about!

Get more information and apply now at the Burning Sea website.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016