Plants vs. Zombies in World of Warcraft!

by on Sep 21, 2010

Since getting an iPad a few months ago there has been few things that have eaten up quite as much time as the PopCap games. None of those eats up time like my personal favorite Plants vs.

Since getting an iPad a few months ago there has been few things that have eaten up quite as much time as the PopCap games. None of those eats up time like my personal favorite Plants vs. Zombies (PVZ)!

The "game" can be found in the Hillsbrad Foothills south of the crater where Dalaran used to be located. The game itself looks very similar to PVZ and seems to play very close to the real game. Of course since it is in WoW it is not PVZ but instead it is called Peacebloom vs Ghouls. Since PopCap worked with Blizzard previously on Bejeweled and Peggle this isn't all that surprising, however it is still a lot of fun.

One of the podcasts that I really love covered this the other day, over on the Cynical Brit: Peacebloom vs Ghouls.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016