Polish AoC in Second Half 2008

by on Apr 24, 2008

<strong>Not polished, Polish - you know, like the hot dog!</strong> Funcom has announced that the version of AoC for the country of Poland will be released in the second half of 2008.

Not polished, Polish - you know, like the hot dog!

Funcom has announced that the version of AoC for the country of Poland will be released in the second half of 2008.

“It is with great pleasure and satisfaction that we are announcing this partnership, one that proves to be yet another milestone for our company – releasing the first subscription MMORPG fully localized into Polish.” said Micha? Kici?ski, joint CEO of CD Projekt. “We are committed to providing a new level of game experience through the use of local game masters, community managers and customer support. For years we have waited for the right MMO game to come along and now it is here, in our hands."

You can read the full press relase at Funcom's main site.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016