Rainbow Six Siege Goes Shakespeare with Launch Trailer

by on Nov 27, 2015

Tom Clancy's latest shooter adds a classic touch to it's launch trailer.

Nothing gets you in the mood for some tactical first person shooter action like a Shakespeare quote. At least that's what Ubisoft is hoping with their launch trailer that just debut on the UK version of their Youtube channel. 

The short clip of a counter terrorist squad heading into battle is played over by a classical orchestra tune and a section of Shakespeare from the play Henry V. It's one of the more well known pieces of Shakespeare's work, and starts off with the famous "Once more into the breach, dear friends". A line that has seen it's fair share of screen time in movies. 

The actual footage of the trailer features some explosion packed, slow motion action full of flying bullets as the counter terrorists and terrorists continue their never ending fight over bomb placements. If you've got the game pre-ordered, this is the perfect primer material to get you ready for Monday at midnight.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016