Riot Hands Out $30,000 Fine for League of Legends Championship Rule Violation

by on Oct 11, 2012

<p>Riot Games lays down the law on a few players following cheating allegations at the <em>League of Legends World Championship</em>.</p>

The final day of the League of Legends World Championship saw quite a few problems. Not only was the competition marred by connection problems that prompted the final day of the competition to be delayed, but allegations of cheating also emerged, claiming that some players snuck a peek at their opponent’s position from what was probably a poor choice of screen placement on Riot’s part. Despite that, there were clear rules in place aimed at preventing this sort of thing, and Riot has determined that some players were guilty of violating them and handed out fines and warnings accordingly.

According to a recent post on the League of Legends forums from Riot’s VP of eSports Dustin “Redbeard” Beck, several teams were reviewed following the allegations, and in one case, team Azubu Frost was fined $30,000 of their winnings for unsportsmanlike conduct. The fine will be donated to Riot’s charity in Korea.

"We evaluated these cases based on intent, severity and tangible impact to the course of the game. Based on our investigation, the Azubu Frost incident is the only one where we determined there to be tangible impact – we believe other members of AzF modified their gameplay (level 1 ping and Jayce brush check) based upon the information gained. We don’t believe, however, that these actions decided the winner of the game.

Per our rules we are issuing a fine of $30,000* for unsportsmanlike conduct. Proceeds will go to our charity program in Korea."

In addition to the hefty fine, Riot also reviewed several other players and handed out warnings to most. A brief summary from Beck’s post can be viewed below.

Quarterfinal #4, Game 3 (CLG.EU v. Team WE) at 19:24 on the game clock – WE WeiXiao looked up at the venue screen. Practical benefits to Team WE were limited - Corki’s moves after WeiXiao’s look would have been logical, whether he saw Sona’s position on the venue screens or not. We have determined this to be unsportsmanlike and have issued a warning. Group Stage A (IG v. SK) at 13:00 on the game clock – iG Zz1tai looked over his right shoulder at the screens. From our analysis, there was no material impact to the game. We have determined this to be unsportsmanlike and have issued a warning. Quarterfinal #3, (restarted) Game 1 (AZF v. TSM) during game pause – TSM Dyrus turned his head to determine whether it was feasible to see the minimap screens from the stage. TSM obtained no direct meaningful benefits from Dyrus’ action as the game was restarted, but we have issued a warning. Quarterfinal #2, Game 1 (TPA v. NaJin Sword) at 4:11 on the game clock - TPA Stanley briefly looked to his left, then looked forward and adjusted his monitor. We’ve determined he was responding to glare issues. The position of all five players of NaJin Sword was already visible to TPA at this time. While Stanley violated the referee’s instructions to look forward at all times, there was no unsportsmanlike conduct.

A more detailed post of the findings for each can be viewed on the League of Legends forums.

The League of Legends Season 2 World Championship finals are set to take place on Saturday, October 13th.

via GameSpot

: League of Legends Forums

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016