Robert Garriott's NCsoft North America Year in Review

by on Dec 31, 2007

Ok, we'll admit this one totally slipped by us last week. Robert Garriott who was head of NCsoft North America reviews 2007 and mentions a number of products such as City of Heroes and Dungeon Runners. Of course he mentions the successful launch of Tabu

Ok, we'll admit this one totally slipped by us last week. Robert Garriott who was head of NCsoft North America reviews 2007 and mentions a number of products such as City of Heroes and Dungeon Runners. Of course he mentions the successful launch of Tabula Rasa...

First of course is the release of Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa in November, which is a big event in the history of this company and the fruit of much labor by many current and former employees worldwide. We founded Destination Games in April 2000 in part to release this game, and while I give my brother Richard some grief now and then about the length it took to produce it (though, I must admit, the game you see today is the result of work since 2004), I’m very proud of Tabula Rasa and our commitment to producing exciting, different massively multiplayer games. Not only have we delivered an interesting science fiction game to our players with some unique differentiators over the standard MMO, we backed it up with a very smooth launch and exceptional customer service. I can’t think of a better launch than Tabula Rasa. I look forward to seeing the game grow with new features and content…especially since I actually enjoy playing this game so much!

If you'd like to read his entire statement, head on over to the official NCsoft site and get a look at the press release.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016