Runes of Magic Makes Changes to Payment Methods

by on Jan 09, 2010

<p> A few payment option changes have been implemented in Runes of Magic in connection with <a href=",id50,0,diamond_trade.html">changes made for Diamond purchase

A few payment option changes have been implemented in Runes of Magic in connection with changes made for Diamond purchases through the auction house. The changes are aimed at eliminating fraud in the game. Diamonds bought using credit cards, PayPal, and PlaySpan can now only be used to equip your character with Item Shop purchases and can no longer be used for gifts in the Item Mall or traded via the Auction House.

In connection to the changes to Diamond purchases via credit cards earlier this month, we have made an additional change to our payment system: Diamonds bought using credit cards, PayPal, or PlaySpan can only be used to equip your character with purchases from the Item Shop. They can no longer be used to buy gifts from the Item Mall or be traded through the Auction House.

You can find more information on all available payment methods and their usages on our updated Diamond Trade Web page.

Additional information can be found on our  Payment Method page.

Note: All Diamonds bought before Jan. 8, 2010, at 3 p.m. PST can be used 30 days after their purchase without limitation.


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016