Ryzom Expands its Horizon with Social Networking

by on Sep 16, 2009

<p> Ryzom is trying to expands its reach and playerbase by joining the growing trend of games linking up on <a href="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2347192496" target="_blank">Facebook </a>and <a href="http://twitter.com/Ryzom" target="_blank">Twit

Ryzom is trying to expands its reach and playerbase by joining the growing trend of games linking up on Facebook and Twitter. Now you can follow the game and touch base with the community on these social network hubs.

Yes, that's right. We still think actions speak louder than words, but now we're going to give you more words as well. We're going to keep you better informed of our thoughts, plans and actions and to make this possible and as dynamic as possible we have set up accounts on some social networking sites:

Facebook: Come join the Official Ryzom Group on Facebook. Blog: You can now read the Official Ryzom Blog. We will communicate there exclusively in English for reasons of simplicity and speed, but please feel free to translate what we say there and post it on Facebook. Twitter: Join us on Twitter. We will "tweet" in English, usually, but you are free to re-tweet in your language if you want
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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016