Scheduled Downtime June 26, 2006

by on Jun 25, 2006

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Hotfixed for Your Pleasure!</span><br> <br> Community Relations Specialist, Samera let players know that Turbine will be taking care of business on Monday:

Hotfixed for Your Pleasure!

Community Relations Specialist, Samera let players know that Turbine
will be taking care of business on Monday:

We will be Hotfixing the game on Monday, June 26th from
7:00 am to noon

This Hotfix should resolve the following issues:

Monsters will be less likely to end up stuck in inactive states. Kobold Shamans will now cast spells again on "Hard" and "Elite"
mode. We have fixed an issue that was causing some users to crash
teleporting. Traveling
back and forth between the harbor and the market could sometimes reset
your bind point to just inside the market. We have fixed this so that
your bind point will stay at the brother where you last bound until you
intentionally bind somewhere else. We have changed the descriptions for item Damage Amplification
effects to more accurately reflect what they do.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016