SMITE Introduces In-Game Fundraiser for Nepal Relief Efforts

by on May 13, 2015

Players wishing to donate for a good cause can now do so in SMITE, where each purchase of the Relief Chest in-game to help support relief efforts through the Red Cross in Nepal.

SMITE has introduced a relief chest to the game providing players with a variety of loot options, where $2 of every sale go directly to the Red Cross. This is yet another example of Hi-Rez's commitment to charity, having already raised over $200,000 USD for the Red Cross:

The Nepal Earthquake Relief Chest will be available now through May 17 for 400 Gems, SMITE’s in-game currency. Players who purchase the chest will randomly receive one of the following six God skins for use in SMITE: Lucky Baby Fuwa (Cupid), The Sydney Shredder (He Bo), Orbital Strike (Rama), Jaguar Footballer (Xbalanque), Ra’Merica (Ra), and Soldier of Fortune (Ares). For every chest sold, Hi-Rez Studios will donate $2 to the international relief efforts of the American Red Cross.

The chest costs around $7.00~$7.99 USD and the skins available are not available through any other means, either being past fundraising events (Ra'Merica) or from the Odyssey (Orbitial Strike Rama). This is not only a good chance to catch a skin a player might have missed, but also to help our relief efforts.

So far today, the morning after this launched, Hi-Rez has already raised $65,000 for disaster relief and, as much as my googling could find, is the second company to offer such a program. Bungie's Destiny has offered a T-Shirt for sale that has raised $400,000 for disaster relief in the past few weeks and additionally provides a unique shader and emblem in game. Ubisoft has always launched fundraising efforts.

As previously mentioned about Hi-Rez, it's great when companies utilize a platform where they have a product that doesn't require manufacture that they can offload for charity. A skin requires an actual ton of development time, but after a certain point they can be sold to benefit others, which is great. Considering, by my best estimates, fans have bought at least 32,000 chests, it's remarkable to understand just how much gamers can come together to help donate money, even if it's unintentional (just the raw desire for the items).

Anyway, the chests will be on sale until May 17th. You can purchase them in the SMITE store in-game.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016