SMITE Releases First Free Comic

by on Feb 05, 2015

SMITE Releases First Free Comic

I love comics. I do however have quite particular tastes in what I like with Hellboy and the Saga series right up there at the very top of the list. Sadly Comic's aren't a particularly cheap habit, especially if you pickup a series when it's been going a while. If you were to pick up all four Volume's of Saga, you'd probably be looking at spending $50 for only an hours reading time. That hour will be the best moments of your life but it's still a hefty price tag. To build on the SMITE brand, Hi-Rez Studio's have released their first comic. Distributed through Dark Horse Comics (they also do Hellboy!) it's free to anyone who has an iPhone or Android device.

Written by John Jackson Miller who has produced a ton of Mass Effect comics, it's pencilled by Eduardo Francisco who has worked on the likes of Conan and Turok. I have to say the art style isn't to my taste but it's still very good. Considering it's totally free, you've nothing to lose and potentially a future comic series to keep you entertained. As for the narrative, the comic offers follows a street urchin named Nassa as she discovers the origins of the epic battle between gods both old and new. 

I don't yet know if I'll stick with it, but it kept me plenty entertained while I was eating my breakfast this morning. Here's the link.


Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016