SOE Teases More PlanetSide 2 Details with The Syndicate

by on Aug 15, 2011

<p>SOE boss John Smedley and Producer Matt Higby unleash new <em>PlanetSide 2</em> details on the crowd at SyndCon.

One of the longest running guilds around, The Syndicate, recently hosted their annual SyndCon guild meeting event and they were joined by a couple of SOE’s top guys. SOE President John Smedley and Creative Director Matt Higby made an appearance at the event to tease the crowd with new details about PlanetSide 2 and FPSGuru was on hand to get the latest details.

Higby teased details about the game’s dynamic weather system, which can change and influence the war. One of the goals that the devs have for the game is to create a fully destructible environment. So if players destroy a base, they’ll have to rebuild it. The two also spoke about the future addition of new continents and planets, which could indicate a possibility for space and naval combat at some point.

The article also notes that players also won’t only be fighting to get an area to simply hold it this time, but that there will be outposts and resources that players will capture for use or to deny another faction its benefits.

The presentation also included details about the game’s certification options, command rank abilities and more. Check out all the details at FPSGuru.



Planetside Universe

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016