Star Wars Battlefront Trailer Released Amid Launch Details

by on Apr 18, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront fans rejoice, the trailer is now live and the launch date is set in stone. The game a lot of fans have been waiting for will be coming out later this year.

Star Wars Battlefront is the successor to Star Wars: Battlefront II, taking on the name of the original game from 2004. Players will take on the role of Jedis and Sith battling out famous battles in Star Wars history in both first and third person view, depending on how a player wishes to play. The original Battlefront was very popular, and many players have been waiting for what seems like a long long time for this remake to come. Personally I'm super excited to see it, but what's even more exciting is the footage, as seen below:

As you can see, the game looks gorgeous, beyond belief. I'm super excited to play it myself, but even I wonder if my PC will play it or if this will be something I'll want to save for the console. Not too many details are out about the game, but as you can see it's going to be a really fun shooter that takes us back to the details of more objective oriented shooting. I wonder how games like Gigantic will hold up?

It will launch November 17, 2015 on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC, near the release of the latest Star Wars film which will arrive in December (although that specific date has yet to be finalized).

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016