Starr Long on Cheating

by on Oct 03, 2007

<p>Tabula Rasa Producer Starr Long was quoted this week in a CNN article discussing in game valuables and cheating. The article details how prevalent real money transactions have become in MMO games and quotes a number of sources. Responding to a questio

Tabula Rasa Producer Starr Long was quoted this week in a CNN article discussing in game valuables and cheating. The article details how prevalent real money transactions have become in MMO games and quotes a number of sources. Responding to a question about exploits Long was quoted as saying:

"In the old days we didn't really think through what would happen once we started letting people play together," Long said. Now, Long says, "every single piece of content we put in the game, the first thing we say is 'Here's what we want this thing to do.' And the second thing we say is, 'OK, how are players going to try to exploit this?"

CNN has the entire article for your reading enjoyment.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016