STO Establishes Advisory Council, Backlash Ensues

by on Apr 05, 2010

<p><em><a href="">Star Trek Online (STO)</a></em> has <a href="" target="_blank">established a new Advisory Counci

Star Trek Online (STO) has established a new Advisory Council made up of Star Trek and gaming fans. The council is an informal group tasked with providing input for the development of STO and act as ambassadors for the community. While focusing your information from fans through a smaller number of sources might sound good in practice, it can easily be an upsetting factor to your community. When the announcement was made this past Friday, community members became a little upset, feeling that a small group of players were being given more say in the development of the game. As you might expect, this has evolved into a rather lengthy and heated discussion spanning more than 119 pages.

Cryptic has currently announced only three members of the council with more to be added later, but one thing some fans are upset about is the fact that all three members are of Federation faction, leaving the Klingons without representation. This may change at a later date, but it has currently helped fuel the fire.

In an effort to answer some questions about the council, GM_Destra put together Q&A about the council and how the program will work. Despite his answering of questions, numerous threads have been popping up all over the STO forums about the new council, many expressing their disapproval. What's your opinion on the new STO Advisory Council?

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016