SWTOR Friday Update: Playable Species and Mandalorian Wars

by on Aug 06, 2010

In a game that limits race to class choices such as BioWare's <a href="url">Star Wars: The Old Republic</a>, all of the sudden races become greatly important for far more than aesthetic purposes.

In a game that limits race to class choices such as BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic, all of the sudden races become greatly important for far more than aesthetic purposes. With this in mind, this Friday's update shares more on the available playable species in SWTOR.

Among the most exciting character types you’ll be able to choose from is the Sith Pureblood. For the first time ever in a video game, Players can choose to be a member of the original Sith Race, the red-skinned descendants of such notorious Sith Lords as Naga Sadow and Marka Ragnos. The rage of these fallen ancestors of the Sith Pureblood lives on in the Sith Warriors who dominate the battlefield with their intimidating presence and aggressive tactics.

Also in this update, read and watch up on the Mandalorian Wars, a battle that changed the course of Star Wars history

The Mandalorian Wars included some of the bloodiest battles in the Republic’s history. Mandalore the Ultimate’s relentless campaign to goad the Jedi into open conflict cost the lives of millions. Though the entrance of a Jedi splinter faction into the war is perceived as the factor that turned the tide against the Mandalorians, the perseverance of Republic soldiers and pilots like Carth Onasi cannot be underestimated. Jedi Master Gnost-Dural’s historical investigation analyzes the conflict with the perspective of modern events, highlighting the implications for the war against the Sith Empire.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016