SWTOR Friday Update: The Fall of Exar Kun

by on Oct 16, 2010

Exar Kun had a thirst for knowledge and power that inevitably lead him to the dark side.

Exar Kun had a thirst for knowledge and power that inevitably lead him to the dark side. As a Jedi turned Sith, Exar had great power and this power turned out to be his demise but not before he left a trail of destruction behind him. In this week's Star Wars: The Old Republic Friday update, Exar Kun's path from light to darkness is detailed in a timeline video that marks an important piece of history.

Decades before the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars, a promising Jedi named Exar Kun began exploring the secrets of the Force. Despite the warnings of his Masters, Kun didn’t hesitate to experiment with the dark powers of the ancient Sith. After being confronted by the spirit of the fallen Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, Exar Kun harnessed the power of the Sith Temples on Yavin 4 and embarked on a campaign to destroy the Republic and the Jedi Order. After aligning with the Krath Cult and fellow fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun’s armies managed to destroy the Jedi library on Ossus, but that was to be his final victory before being betrayed and defeated. Centuries later, the Jedi have learned that Exar Kun’s campaign took place even while the ancient Sith Empire remained in exile on Dromund Kaas. Jedi Master Gnost-Dural now asks, if Exar Kun’s rise to power was encouraged by the spirits of the ancient Sith, what might this suggest about their support for the resurrected Sith Empire?

Watch the drama unfold and prime your knowledge of SWTOR history in this timeline video!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016