SWTOR Reveals the Bounty Hunter Class!

by on Mar 20, 2009

<p>BioWare has revealed the first bits of information on one of the Star Wars: The Old Republic classes! Fans can get details on the Bounty Hunter class, including their purpose, equipment, and...</p>

BioWare has revealed the first bits of information on one of the Star Wars: The Old Republic classes! Fans can get details on the Bounty Hunter class, including their purpose, equipment, and combat tactics. We have also added the latest screenshots (found below) to our SWTOR gallery for your viewing enjoyment. You can get more info on the official SWTOR website!

Hunter, seeker, killer for hire

Countless enemies stand in the way of the Sith Empire’s drive for domination. The Empire spares no expense eliminating these threats, offering massive bounties to employ the galaxy’s most lethal hunters. Earning a death mark from the Empire means a life spent in fear, constantly looking over one’s shoulder. It’s never a question if a Bounty Hunter will find you… only when.

Both infamous and anonymous at the same time, Bounty Hunters are far more than mercenaries for hire—they’re heirs to a professional legacy—an ancient brotherhood with a glorious history. Tracking elusive targets across multiple star systems requires expertise, especially when the targets can be prominent, powerful, and often prepared for confrontation. Thrill seekers from all walks of life set out to become Bounty Hunters, but only the most hard-boiled survive in this competitive and deadly business.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016