Taken King will Add New Sword Weapon Type

by on Sep 03, 2015

Players will be able to equip a sword in the latest Destiny expansion.

We knew there would be new exotic weapons added with the Taken King, but few expected there to be a new weapon class. In a live stream showing off the new Destiny Strikes, we were introduced to a new weapon type and one of it's first incarnations. The Sword will be equippable in the heavy weapon slot. Unlike a real sword it will function more like a gun in that you will use up one of it's "ammunition" when you land a successful strike. There is also a more powerful variant of the swing that will consume 2 ammo if it lands, but will do much more damage.

The sword previewed in the stream is called the Raze-Lighter, an exotic that says you crafted it with your own hands. This more likely means it's part of some sort of quest chain the likes of which you can currently get on occasion from the bounty droid.

Just like other weapons, the sword will have it's own perks to unlock. One of the perks of the Raze-Lighter is increased super enery with each kill.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016