TCoS - Newletter Away!

by on May 19, 2006

The new newsletter is out. Since I'm on a Chronicles of Spellborn bent lately all I can say is that you absolutely need to sign up for it and read the information within. I know I know. You're saying "Awen, you seem to get excited about alot of these ga

The new newsletter is out. Since I'm on a Chronicles of Spellborn bent lately all I can say is that you absolutely need to sign up for it and read the information within. I know I know. You're saying "Awen, you seem to get excited about alot of these games."

You are absolutely correct. There are so many games out right now that look fantastic. It could be my absolute need to get away from WoW but I don't think so.

However, I digress. Go to the Chronicles of Spellborn site and sign up for the newsletter. You won't be sorry.

The 8th TCoS newsletter has been sent out! Among the regular items the newsletter contains lore about the destruction of the Ancestor World, a multi screen wallpaper and information about the upcoming dev chat!

Because of the large number of subscribers, it might take a while before all copies have been sent out. As always comments are welcome in the forum thread linked below.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016