Teamfight Tactics - $125,000 Showdown Roster and Prizes

by on Jul 10, 2019

The $125,000 Showdown Tournaments is almost upon us.

The $125,000 Showdown Tournaments is almost upon us and details are out!

Twitch has invited 64 streamers to compete on July 17 and 18, in the first ever Twitch Rivals: Teamfight Tactics Showdown. They will be playing for a piece of $125,000 and bragging rights as the first ever Twitch Rivals: Teamfight Tactics winner.

How Twitch Rivals - Teamfight Tactics Works

Day 1: All 64 streamers will be competing for a piece of $100,000 and a spot in day two. There’ll be a morning (starts at 9 AM PST) and afternoon (1:45 PM PST) bracket, each consisting of 32 players. Each player will play five games total, with a cash reward based on placement and the top eight from each bracket will advance to day two.

Day 2: $25,000 is on the line on day two. Players will play four games in a round robin format (same point/prize structure as day one). We’ll then cut to the top 8 players and play one final, winner-take all, match for $5,000 and bragging rights.

All players will be playing on the NA server, and we’ve got representation from North America, EUW, EUNE, Russia, Oceania, Brazil, Turkey, and LATAM. Make sure to tune in to the tournament on the Twitch Rivals channel or any of the streamers’ channels listed below.

The Competitors:

Alexelcapo ALOHADANCETV Amaz ArQuel Ash_on_LoL Becca BlackFireIce boxbox ClintStevens CooLifeGame Corobizar Dhalucard DisguisedToast Dogdog DreadzTV Dyrus Evangelion0 Forsen G4G_Revenant GeneraL_HS_ Giantwaffle GN_GG Gnumme GoBGG Gosu Ibaai imaqtpie itsHafu JoshOG Jukes just_ns Kripp LilyPichu LIRIK Lothar LS midbeast Nervarien Ness NoWay4u Overpow Pokimane Jovirone Reckful Rojankhxzr Savjz Scarra Shiphtur Solary Sp4zie superjj102 Thaldrin TheEnclase TidesofTime Trick2g TrumpSC Trymacs TSM_TheOddOne Uthenera Valkyrae wtcN xChocoBars XodaLive Yassuo

Last Updated: Jul 10, 2019