Teen Facing 15 Years in Prison Over RuneScape Robbery

by on Aug 13, 2012

<p>A Massachusetts teen could face up to 15 years in prison after an alleged robbery involving a fake gun, counterfeit money and <em>RuneScape</em>.

Ever wonder why we, as gamers, are constantly stereotyped in the media as psycho, antisocial nut jobs? It’s because of stories like this one.

A 19 year old college student has been arrested after allegedly robbing a RuneScape player of their in-game currency. Oh wait, this story gets better. The person in question, 19-year old Humza Bajwa of Massachusetts (dubbed a video game adict by the New York Post), tried first to purchase the 4.7 billion RuneScape coin currency from a pair of other players, David Emani and Jonathan Dokler of Fordham University for the price of $3,300. After arriving to make the deal in person, Bajwa tried to make the purchase with counterfeit money. The plan fell through after Emani recognized the bills as fake.

Bajwa made an excuse to leave after the first attempt and set up a second meeting with Emani the following night to make the buy. Once again, Bajwa arrived with counterfeit money, but Emani came prepared and brought his own $100 bill to compare to the suspected counterfeit bills. After failing once again to trick Emani with the fake money, Bajwa allegedly pulled out a realistic looking BB gun and pointed it at Emani, ordering him to make the call to Dokler to make the transfer.

“I whispered, ‘Take it easy, man. No need for that gun,’ ” Emani said. “I couldn’t believe I was about to get shot over RuneScape! I was so scared I was about to die.”

After the transfer was made, Bajwa reportedly left without incident, even leaving behind the $100 Emani had brought and making off with only the RuneScape coins, leaving any real world goods behind.

Bajwa was apprehended by police on July 24th with the aid of surveillance video and is now facing up to 15 years in prison for charges of second degree robbery and grand larceny. Bajwa's bail was posted at $20,000. I'm guessing the courts won't accept RuneScape coins as part of the bail.

Jagex, developer of RuneScape, does not support the sale of game currency by players and is considering a permanent ban for accounts that engage in the activity.

via CVG

Source: New York Post

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016