The Blizzard Gaming Scene More Active Than Ever

by on Jul 29, 2010

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World of Warcraft provides us with an in-depth analysis of the changes to PvP that will be implemented with Cataclysm. Read the full article for an interesting preview of rated battlegrounds and the changes that will affect RMP setups and Mortal Strike.

Also, be sure to check out MLG's interview with Talbadar, from Arenapwnage, to learn his thoughts about Cataclysm and multi-classing.

Warcraft III
The 146th edition of the weekly ZOTAC-Cup was played last Sunday, and South Korean Night Elf player Kim "ReMinD" SungSik defeated Danish player Thomas "ThomasG" Glinski, playing as Skingle, in three games. It was the 22nd victory for the most accomplished ZOTAC-Cup player in the world and he doesn't seem to be willing to stop!

StarCraft II
British terran player Benjamin "DeMusliM" Baker won the historic final StarCraft II Beta ZOTAC-Cup, which once again attracted 512 keen players. In the final he beat jimpo by the score of 3-1, claiming his second victory in the history of the cup.

American shoutcaster Sean "Day[9]" Plott has launched "Day[9]'s King of the Beta" tournament, featuring eight of the best players from all over the world fighting for their share of the $3,000 prize pool.

The first games have already concluded and VODs are available on day9tv.

In the 23rd Go4SC2 Cup Ukrainian Eugeniy "Strelok" Oparishev emerged victorious after defeating his countryman Oleksii "White-Ra" Krupnyk in four games. This win takes Strelok to first place in the overall Go4SC2 StarCraft II Beta rankings, knocking Tarson off the top spot.
The Electronic Sports League is coming back with Go4SC2 next week so make sure to sign up to get involved!

If you have any great articles you would like to share you can send them to

* Links on this news post may expire over time and some are created by other companies/individuals that are neither affiliated with nor supported by Blizzard Entertainment.

Lots of cool stuff going on in the world of Blizzard competitive gaming. With Starcraft II newly released and World of Warcraft: Cataclysm on the horizon, the Blizzard gaming scene has been rejuvenated significantly.

Vaneras, a CM on the WoW-Europe forums posted this nice little aggregation of interesting things going on in the community. Why can't the CMs on the North American forum go to this level of effort?!

The GotFrag article is a neat little aggregation of some of the key points in expansion arena changes. It focuses on the changes to Wound effects, the massive Hit Point inflation, and some of the weird effects of buff homogenization on arena compositions (bloodlust + RMP anyone?).

If you're a Starcraft II fan, take a look at the recorded videos of the unofficial "King of the Beta" tournament. It's high level play along with informative and entertaining commentary. With all this good stuff going on and SCII now in high gear it's a good time to be a gamer.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016