The Division 2: April 11 State of the Game

by on Apr 11, 2019

The PTS is on its way, as well as more Specialist ammo.

In the latest STOG from The Division 2, they covered many of the main issues players are concerned about. This includes the below (thanks YTZY), while maintenance notes can be found here.

Bugs To Be Fixed 

Fast travel to castle. Delta error in pvp when someone disconnects. Signature ammo to be fixed, but can't promise it'll be in today's patch. Sound issues when you finish a Project. Ivory Key fix (still being looked into) T pose is not intended. They are still trying to fix it, but it may not be in time for today. Crafting bench for people that can't upgrade. Characters getting stuck and cant move anymore. Revive Hive not working. 


They are talking about balance for Skill Power and Exotics. PVP balance will be on the program next week. Public test server is comming before title update 3. They know about blue gear mods. Public Test Server will be PC only because they can update it faster. Everyone that owns TD2 will have PTS in the UPlay Launcher. You are allowed to stream PTS, so console players can see whats happening.

Things They're Looking At

Game difficutly. NPC's know your gearscore and if they know you have bad gear/ low dmg, they are really aggressive, but its broken and  not intended. They are looking at armor and HP scaling but its not for 2.1 or 2.2 more for like 2.3. There is a forum post tommorow talking about Skillpower. They are talking about 490 gear dropping if you have 500+ Gear Score. DirectX 12 crashes are mostly for Nvidia players. They are talking with Nvidia to fix those. Timers are confusing and they are looking at that and trying to make that better.

Last Updated: Apr 11, 2019