The Long-Promised Darius Rework is Still Going to Occur

by on Jul 20, 2015

The Lord of Dunks is ready to be modernized.

It was quite some time ago that we were told Darius, the Hand of Noxus Dunkmaster had a kit rework that wasn't far off from being completed and was in testing. However, plenty of time has passed with no word on whether this update was being worked on, postponed, or scrapped altogether. In response to a forum thread asking about this, Riot Scruffy had this to say:

We've actually come back around to the work that started 2 years ago and will have something to show very soon. Statikk picked up the darius project after he finished working on Gangplank, and it turns out we can make a lot of improvements for him without too many dramatic changes.

When it's all done, he should have a more healthy + satisfying + some new unique stuff in his kit.

"Unique stuff" could be good, though there are always concerns of overloading a champion's kit, or completely changing his identity. Fortunately, that doesn't seem like it will be the case here, with Scruffy offering these comments:

"...its pretty damn cool to just chop your enemies in half."

"Bleed is staying and stacks will still only go to 5."

"No dash or shield sry."

So, lovers of the dunk, rejoice! It seems Darius may just be able to return to the spotlight in the not-too-distant future.


Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016