The Secret World's Issue #5 Now Live

by on Dec 19, 2012

<p><em>The Secret World’s</em> latest update goes live just in time to get a few days in before the end of the world.</p>

There are just a couple of days left until the end of the world according to the Mayan conspiracy theorists or The Secret World’s (TSW) Game Director Joel Bylos, depending on which one you find more credible. With TSW’s ARG in full swing, the latest update deployed to servers today to add a host of new content just in time for the end of days. Issue #5: The Vanishing of Tyler Freeborn brings the new “End of Days” event as the dead rise and the Harbingers come, the new Quantum Brace auxiliary weapon, new story with the disappearance of Tyler Freeborn, additional missions and a lot more.

Patch notes for the update are available on TSW forums. Be sure to check out the update preview with that madman Joel Bylos after the break.

Source: Issue #5 Announcement

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016