The Zones of Northrend

by on Oct 09, 2007

A preview of where you'll soon do battle.

Northrend will be your primary location in the upcoming expansion World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King and will be filled to the brim with all kinds of new enemies and locations to visit. We've gathered together as much as we could find out about these new zones and organized it one convenient location! Keep your eyes open for additional updates as more and more is found out about the expansion.

The Borean Tundra is located on the far west side of Northrend and is home of the Tuskarr who are the main theme of the zone. It will contain the city of Warsong Hold led by Mag’hari (son of Grom) and will have allied with the Tuskarr.

Visit The Zones of Northrend today!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016