Tribes Now Free-to-Play

by on Oct 30, 2015

Hi-Rez Studios has made a decision to allow Tribes to be a full free-to-play game now, for those who have never tried it and want to play.

Tribes is now free-to-play, along with everything from the original Earthsiege to Tribes Ascend. Even the PS2 game, which is available as an ISO (and the first and only free-to-play PS2 commercial game that I can think of right now) for emulators and modded PS2's. This comes after Hi-Rez announced they're working on Tribes Ascend again, which is amazing news for fans of the series. There is a lot to the Tribes series, honestly, and lots of fans, so this is all good stuff.

Welcome! Join Hi-Rez Studios in celebrating over twenty years of the TRIBES Universe! Below you will find links to download the legacy games in the series. We love these games and hope to let you share the experience of the World's Fastest Shooter.

This really warms my heart. I don't know why, but it's so good to see studios allow access to these games from the past for free, without the feeling that you're stealing something that you can't really buy anymore or having to hunt down discs (Freespace is a good example of this). So if you ever enjoyed any of the games in the series, get to downloading now, while these games may be free forever now, you never know when the website might go down, so it's always good to have a copy now.

You can download any game, plus check out the history over at the official website.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016