Trion Responds to Rift Account Hacks in Weekend Update

by on Mar 21, 2011

<p><em><a href="">Rift</a></em> has suffered an onslaught of hacked accounts since its March 1st launch and Trion Worlds has put several new security features in place

Rift has suffered an onslaught of hacked accounts since its March 1st launch and Trion Worlds has put several new security features in place to help prevent item loss from compromised accounts with features like Coin Lock. But one of the most helpful bits of information came from a community member known as ManWitDaPlan, who managed to track down a major security flaw and helped Trion nail down the problem that has since been patched.

Trion Worlds Executive Producer Scott Hartsman took to the forums over the weekend to thank ManWitDaPlan for his help and to update players on the ongoing security battle. Hartsman didn't sugar coat the problem, he laid out the constant battle that Trion and players face to keep accounts secure from a constant battle with hackers. But the new features now in effect and in the works should help make accounts a bit more secure and avoid having items stolen.

As for ManWitDaPlan, Zam recently tracked down the member for an interview to get his take on account security and the fansite finger-pointing and witch hunt that ensued following the wave of compromised accounts.


Rift Forums - Weekend Security Update

Rift Forums - Account Security Discussion

Ex-Hacker Finds RIFT Account Flaw, Talks to ZAM

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016