Turbine Drops the NDA for LOTRO’s Helm’s Deep Expansion

by on Nov 05, 2013

<p>Go forth little beta testers and spread your thoughts and experiences about <em>LOTRO’s</em> upcoming <em>Helm’s Deep</em> expansion.</p>

Turbine today took lifted the beta NDA for The Lord of the Rings Online’s (LOTRO) upcoming Helm’s Deep expansion. Community Manager Rick “Sapience” Heaton dropped the news on the official forums today, encouraging players to share their opinions about the new expansion while at the same time warning that copying and pasting threads and other content from the beta forums is still on the forbidden list.

"As of today, the Non-Disclosure Agreement for the Helm’s Deep beta has been dropped. Beta participants can now share their thoughts and impressions of Helm’s Deep thus far. Please note that while the NDA has been dropped, any copy and pasting of threads, posts, and other materials from the beta forums is not permitted. This is not the end of beta, and testing continues so some things may be subject to change before release."

In addition to the announcement, Sapience also pointed players to a number of player-created guides for the new class changes set to go live with the expansion.

LOTRO’s Helm’s Deep expansion is still undergoing final testing and tweaks for its planned launch on November 18th, 2013.

Source: Helm’s Deep NDA Dropped

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016