Turbine Talks LOTRO with Warcry Dev Chat

by on Jun 04, 2009

<p>Turbine recently spoke with Warcry in an IRC Developer's Chat to talk about Lord of the Rings Online. Several of Turbine's staff fielded questions from participants and addressed concerns about...</p>

Turbine recently spoke with Warcry in an IRC Developer's Chat to talk about Lord of the Rings Online. Several of Turbine's staff fielded questions from participants and addressed concerns about Legendary Items, Radiance Gear and a number of other things enquiring minds wanted to know about.

WarCry: Ryuuroden: Has any thought been made to making a new multi-boss 12 man instance that does not require radiance, as an alternative to "gating up" for places like the new DN 12 man?

Orion: While we have not really talked about removing radiance from 12-man raids, see previous statements, we are constantly looking for new ways to improve the end game and provide players with many avenues of advancement once they have reached current maximum level. There are some interesting ideas in the works, but we are hesitant to share too much of that information at this time because many of the design ideas are still in a state of flux.

You can read the full transcript here. Discuss this and more on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016