Twinblast Rework is Paragon's Last "New" Hero in 2016

by on Dec 02, 2016

More mobility and damage potential may help this hero see more game time.

In a bid to increase his win rate and success, Twinblast is getting a host of changes focused on mobility and raw damage output. Have a look:

Rapid Fire (RMB/R1) - Twinblast rapidly shoots his Basic Attack three times, dealing a percentage of his damage to minions with each shot. Enemy Heroes will take a reduced amount of damage from the attack. This attack can Critically Hit and apply all other on-hit effects typical to his Basic Attack. 

Grenade! (Q/Square) - Twinblast fires a grenade to a target location. After a short time, the grenade explodes, dealing damage in an area. The grenades have three charges, refreshing on a short cooldown.

Rocket Dash (E/Circle) - Twinblast briefly ignites his evasion thrusters, rapidly propelling him in the direction he is facing.

Ventilate (R/Triangle)- Twinblast converts his guns into fully automatic mode, unleashing a barrage of bullets at an extended range for a short time. This is a channeled ability, which means it can be interrupted by Hard Crowd Control (Stuns, Pulls, etc.).

Along with the Twinblast update, Paragon players will get the change-rich Monolith update next week, then it's onward to 2017 for Epic and Paragon:

The team has been cranking around the clock to release the Monolith update as soon as possible. (Just a few days away!) The entire Epic Games team is taking some time off toward the end of the month to rest, recharge, and come back ready to go in the new year. Our goal remains: work with you to make Paragon the most immersive and competitive MOBA out there and next year has a lot in store. We will continue our regular #Every3Weeks Hero cadence on Jan. 10 with the release of our next new Hero, Serath. She has wings, a mace and deadly personality.

Source: Paragon official site.

Last Updated: Dec 02, 2016