Twitter Widget for WoW

by on May 01, 2009

<p>If the word Twitter isn't enough t make your eyes and ears bleed the fact that it is coming to World of Warcraft (WoW) may be. <a href="

If the word Twitter isn't enough t make your eyes and ears bleed the fact that it is coming to World of Warcraft (WoW) may be. Playexpert will be adding a new Twitter Widget that functions with many PC titles such as WoW to announce things that many add ons do now, including when a person enters or leaves the gaming world.

In-game widget engines such as PlayXpert (which bills itself as an "in-game operating system") run alongside PC games, offering voice chat, Web browsing, and other tools for players, without the need to quit or ATL+TAB out of the game to launch another app (popular examples include Xfire and Steam).

You can read more on the topic here and download the widget here. Discuss it on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016