Undocumented Changes from Heroes of the Storm's August 18th Patch

by on Aug 21, 2015

Turns out there were a few changes that snuck by.

While the August 18th patch for Heroes of the Storm contained quite a few changes to the game, apparently there were a few things that went undocumented. These were revealed during a developer Q&A on Reddit, so take a look at all of those changes below (thanks to heroesnexus.com for condensing and formatting):

Abathur  Ultimate Evolution Heroic - cooldown from 70 seconds to 50 seconds. Tychus Commander Odin Heroic - 100% increased Basic Attack range down to 60% increased Basic Attack range. > This is likely just a tooltip update! Odin's range didn't change from the previous patch to this one, but since Tychus' basic attack range was changed in the previous patch, there's a chance they forgot to update the +100% range tooltip for Odin). Diablo From The Shadow Talent - increased stun duration was decreased from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds Siphon the Dead Talent - Active Heal from 15% to 15.6% but shown ingame as 16% Kerrigan  Double Strike Talent - your next basic attack after an ability does from 50% extra damage to 75% extra damage. Nazeebo  Gargantuan Stomp (R) - cooldown from 4.5 seconds to 5 seconds. Uther  Redemption - no longer revives you if picked after dying. Murky  Difficulty Rating - changed from Medium to Hard.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016