Unlocking Cho'Gall in Heroes of the Storm After DreamHack

by on Dec 04, 2015

Don't worry, the ogre will be yours!

While Cho'Gall was given away to viewers of Heroes of the Storm at DreamHack Winter 2015, many users are still not seeing the two-headed ogre unlocked on their account. Fortunately, you need not worry.

The simplest solution is simply to wait. While Cho'Gall was promised today (December 4th), there are still reports of players currently receiving the Hero, so it will likely just be a waiting game for those who followed the appropriate steps.

If you're still not seeing Cho'Gall on your account, or didn't receive the Hero as a reward, you can still manually unlock it. If you win two games as either Cho or Gall with someone who already owns Cho'Gall (this includes vs. AI games), the Hero will unlock for you. If you don't have a friend online to party with, there are plenty of strangers out there eager to help. Simply joining a vs. AI game and asking for someone to play Cho'Gall will often be enough. However, if that's not working for you, players have set up channels specfically for this purpose. Typing in /join Chogall (or /join Cho'Gall, both are likely to have users active) will get you to one of these helpful channels.

If you already have Cho'Gall, there's incentive for you to help others out. By winning 4 games with the Hero while partied with at least one player who has not unlocked it, you'll receive a one-time reward of 2200 gold.

Now get out there and get your ogre!

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016