Vanguard Producer’s Letter Discusses Changes and Teases New Images

by on Mar 29, 2013

<p><em>Vanguard</em> Producer Harvey &quot;Rahtiz&quot; Burgess discusses changes to Pankor Zhi, Diplomacy, and the upcoming server merge.</p>

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Producer Harvey "Rahtiz" Burgess has penned a new missive this week to update players on the upcoming server merger next month and changes in the works for Pankor Zhi and the Diplomacy feature. While work is still progressing, the Vanguard team has shuffled a couple of its dev team members off to other projects.

Currently, the team is working on a network revamp, which should hit the Test server at that popular time window of “soon”, but players should see some love for Diplomacy this week.

With this week's update you will find that like crafting before it, diplomacy has found some love. Venture out into City of Brass and you'll find some new NPCs just waiting to parlay with you. Heck, you might even find a new buff or two!

The team recently revamped the Lomshire region and work for Pankor Zhi is scheduled down the road, but that has been slowed a bit due to some work being done on Old Targanor.

Pankor Zhi is still on the schedule! However, it has been pushed back by work on Old Targanor. Let me explain a little of the reasoning behind this. Pankor Zhi is going to require a lot more development work to get out of the door the right way. There are several things in the area that need to be totally redone unfortunately. With the roadmap of what we want to get out, it just makes more sense to start with Old Targanor while we go through the content that was started for Pankor Zhi.

Lastly, Burgess teased a trio of new items that will be added to the game later.

Source: Vanguard Producer’s Letter

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016