Video Game Action to Presidential Candidates

by on May 15, 2008

<strong>Write the Candidates</strong> If you enjoy video games and believe in the right to free speech. Read on.

Write the Candidates

If you enjoy video games and believe in the right to free speech. Read on.

If they want your vote, they need to listen to you. Tell the 2008 Presidential candidates where you stand on video games and why they need to understand the issue to get your vote.

For years, elected officials have postured on the issue of video games and there have even been some proposals for national regulation. The Presidential candidates need to understand that regulating video game sales is not the answer to protecting children; instead, it is simply a waste of taxpayers' time and money. The real solution is to focus on ratings, parental controls, and educational partnerships to ensure that parents have and use all of the tools available to make appropriate game choices for their kids.

For more, please visit VGVN.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016