Video Game Voters Network: Get Involved

by on Jun 23, 2008

<strong>Spread The Word.</strong>

Spread The Word.

Do you believe it is the responsiblity of the retailer and the parent to monitor what goes into children's hands? If so, please consider the following and help spread the word.

You know that some elected officials are targeting games on the issues of violence and morality. Now is the time for these politicians to wake up and realize gamers are their constituents, too. Let's fight back and be heard! Don't let legislation curb the constitutionally protected creativity of this medium. Books, art, movies, and cable TV content are not regulated by the government so why should games be?

Spread the word about the Video Game Voters Network by sending an email to your friends, family and colleagues! Help us grow our network and spread this movement so our elected officials know that we're closely following their votes with our own.

To spread the word, please visit VGVN.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016