WAR: New Way to Report Gold Sellers

by on Oct 04, 2008

Over at the Warhammer Herald, Mythic announced a new way to report Goldsellers.

Over at the Warhammer Herald, Mythic announced a new way to report Goldsellers. In Mark's war against Gold sellers, Mythic has added a function in the game to make reporting those who spam you with "Buy Gold Here!" easier to report and get banned.

We are committed to making life as hard as we can for Gold Sellers in game and maximizing player enjoyment. To that end we have added a new tool to streamline the gold seller reporting process.

To properly report someone soliciting the sale of in-game gold or services in exchange for real world currency, please use our new category designed specifically to address this violation in the Appeal Interface. The category is entitled GOLD/PL SALES, and is a stand-alone category. You will not find this under the Violation category itself.

Some things to note about how to appeal this violation properly:

Make sure you place the player’s exact name in the first window, which asks for the player name.

Place the text the player sent you in the second window, which asks for details about what was sent. Also note if this solicitation came in the form of in-game chat (any channel), or through the mail system.

Please make sure you submit one appeal per solicitor. Do not try to place multiple names into the first box, as the appeal will fail.

This system was specifically designed to further streamline our process in actioning these solicitors. Using any mod that does not use this system will be counter-productive to our cause, and should not be used. Any violation report of this nature that does not use this new system will receive a response asking you to use the system above. Please make sure you only place solicitation reports into the new GOLD/PL SALES category, and not any other violation category such as General, Harassment, etc.

Your cooperation will only ensure that we are able to continue to handle these reports in the most efficient manner possible.

Thank you!

Reporting Gold Spammers 101.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016