WAR Versus Nancy Drew in Battle of Boxes

by on Oct 21, 2008

<strong>Nancy says "I'm like so sure, no WAAAGH."</strong>

Nancy says "I'm like so sure, no WAAAGH."

First it was World of Warcraft, now Nancy Drew is taking to the greenskins at Warhammer Online. In the first week of October, NPD Group has shown that Spore is number one for PC sales for US retailers, but Nancy Drew is second. Overtaking WAR and WoW is nothing to sneeze at for the girl crime fighter. Of course her game is a third the cost of WAR, but I'm sure "The Phantom of Venice" is a thriller which is why they are flying off the shelf.

To read the rest of the top ten (including two Warcraft games and the game that won't die - the Sims) go to Shacknews.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016