Warhammer Online Takes Scenario Restructuring Back to the Whiteboard

by on Feb 08, 2010

<p><em><a href="http://www.warhammeronline.com/" target="_blank">Warhammer Online</a></em> developers will be reevaluating their <a href="http://forums.warhammeronline.com/warhammer/board/message?boar

Warhammer Online developers will be reevaluating their scenario restructuring plans for update 1.3.4 after an extensive amount of feedback from the community. The intention to remove some of the less popular scenario maps doesn't seem like such a great idea as removing content rarely is, but the developers are listening to the community and Mythic Entertainment's Community Coordinator Andy Belford assures player that their feedback is being listened to. A point made clearer by the developers willingness to take their plans back to the whiteboard for more planning. The intention to streamline the Scenario system is still there, the developer is just exploring other options of attaining that goal.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016