Warhammer "Producer's Letter" Details New Content and RvR Packs

by on Nov 06, 2010

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style="font-style: italic;">Have Warhammer players been neglected for free content compared to other games?

Warhammer Online's October "Producer's Letter" arrived a bit late this time. But Executive Producer Carrie Gouskos took time to post a brief update about what's been going on through the month of October and give an update on the ORvR testing and The Verminous Horde RVR Pack.

The pack will be broken into two parts: Progression and Personality. The Progression pack will include access to Renown Rank (RR) 100, which will allow players to access new high level scenarios and the chance to earn two new armor sets: Doomflayer and Warpforged. The Progression pack also includes accelerated leveling for all characters on an account up to RR 80.

The Personality Pack is more cosmetic in nature. It comes with 4 Barber Surgeon tokens that will allow you to change your character's appearance, 4 Vanity Pets which includes the Ugly Hound and the Iron Hawk, a 70% speed Heavy Mount for RR60 characters and new dye options on the dye merchant.

The packs will be available on the EA Store when the new content goes live for $10 each or both for $15. There will also be additional content for all subscribers once the update goes live and you can read all the details in the latest patch notes.

As you might expect, not everyone is thrilled at having to pay for the new content. Some posters on the Warhammer Online forums believe they are being made to pay for little more than a portion of what should be part of a free content update. Most other mainstream MMORPGs do get regular content updates for free with paid expansions. Does the community have a point? Or are some members overreacting? Tell us what you think?

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016