Weapon Damage Table

by on Nov 20, 2007

Sonic or Incendiary? Virulent or Laser? Sometimes choosing the most effective weapon can mean the difference between your corpse and your enemies. Ten Ton Hammer has put together a simple table covering each type of damage and explain what creatures wil

Sonic or Incendiary? Virulent or Laser? Sometimes choosing the most effective weapon can mean the difference between your corpse and your enemies. Ten Ton Hammer has put together a simple table covering each type of damage and explain what creatures will be hurt more and which will just laugh at you. Don't be caught firing a laser rifle at a Lightbender, check out our guide.

Check out our handy reference to Weapon Damage! Also be sure to stop by our forums for discussion and Tabula Rasa news.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016