What's New in the Division Open Beta this Weekend

by on Feb 19, 2016

Your last chance to get a look at the Division is this weekend.

If you've got the Division pre-ordered and want to get one more look at it to decide whether you want to keep that pre-order in check or not, this is your last chance to give it a look. The open beta has officially started for all platforms including the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

The last time the beta was out we got one story missions where we were tasked with liberating a hospital. There will be a new main story mission this time around, which will have you trudging through the city's sewers to restore power and save an engineer in the process. There is also a new enemy faction being introduced called the Cleaners. Hopefully we'll get  a break from the hoody clad bad guys of the last beta.

Players will also be able to check out the tech branch of the class tree this time around, along with a new and improved Dark Zone that boasts higher level enemies and better loot.

Anyone who takes part in the beta before it closes this Sunday will get an exclusive in game item when the full game goes live on March 8th.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016