Wheel of Time Game Snags Hollywood Writer

by on Aug 05, 2009

The beloved book series Wheel of Time is making its way into various media for the world to enjoy. With not only a movie deal in the works, Red Eagle Games has big plans for the title that will...

The beloved book series Wheel of Time is making its way into various media for the world to enjoy. With not only a movie deal in the works, Red Eagle Games has big plans for the title that will include console and PCs games as well as an MMOG.

So who is the lucky fellow who will be reimagining Robert Jordan's works? Red Eagle Games has signed on Hollywood writer Chris Morgan. Morgan is known for his screenwriting for movies such as Wanted, Fast and the Furious, and Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. Morgan had this to say about his new gig:

"As a massive fan of The Wheel of Time series, and a lifelong gamer, I jumped at the chance to be part of the Red Eagle Games team," Morgan said. "The world that Robert Jordan created is so rich, the characters and storylines so varied and inventive, that I feel like a kid in a candy store. It's really a dream opportunity for me."

Can a Hollywood screenwriter hold true to a popular series or does this have badness written all over it? Let us know what you think by clicking the "Post your comments" link below!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016