WildStar to Revamp Discoveries in Free-to-Play Transition

by on Aug 17, 2015

WildStar will be revamping discoveries, the little glowing cracks in the ground, as the game transitions into it's F2P launch coming soon.

WildStar's free-to-play version is coming soon, with a closed beta currently running. One of the revamps that'll be coming in basically, what I consider, an all new version of the game, is the discovery system is getting a strong revamp to make it more awesome. Changes coming include increasing the number of discoveries, providing more value in the terms of special discovery only pets and costumes, and making it a much more engaging experience for the user.

If gameplay boosts aren't motivation enough to chase down Discoveries, how about some exclusive companion pets?

Starting at level 6, each zone in the game will feature a unique pet that can only be found through Discoveries. Ever want a Red Garr, a Purple Ravenok, or a Strain-Corrupted Chompacabra? You can find them hiding in a Discovery! Only the most dedicated of pet lovers will collect them all.


Good-looking pets demand good-looking pet owners, so we added nine costumes you can find via Discoveries. Want to dress like a Bloodfire Draken or sport a classy space helmet? How about a full hazmat suit or a pair of sporty goggles? Citizens of Nexus, engage your style engines!

Looks really cool to me so far. I barely even remember coming across discoveries in the game, but hopefully this change will make them more noticable. I'll be diving into the beta to go hunt some down and will let you know my experience in our upcoming WildStar F2P coverage. For now though, check out the Deep Dive.

While on the topic, I think it's fun to have cool things to hunt in games. Guild Wars 2 I think has too many things to hunt - which isn't bad, since it's optional, but it's overwhelming to me (which again is fine). However, having something to find within the game. It gives you that sense of RPG completion thing. I was recently playing an indie RPG called OFF and part of it is hunting down treasure chests, which is the same that you do in any traditional RPG, and really gave me something fun / cool to do. Even World of Warcraft used to have treasure chests.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016