With Fewer Starbucks, Harder to Find a CuppaJo

by on Jul 02, 2008

<p>We've heard just over the past few days that Starbucks is closing down stores in an effort to become more fiscally sound.

We've heard just over the past few days that Starbucks is closing down stores in an effort to become more fiscally sound. In a unfortunate twist, we now have word that CuppaJo is leaving the Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa team. Can the community take much more coffee catastrophes?

Finally, it is with deep sadness that I announce that I have been reassigned to another game within the NCsoft family and will be assuming the Associate Production role on Dungeon Runners. The bling gnomes have run amok and believe they can turn my ban-hammer skills into gnome-hammer skills. All joking aside, it has been an honor serving in the AFS with each of you. Your knowledge and passion for the game are unparalleled and I look forward to watching how the community and the development team work together to make TR great.

Goodbye CuppaJo

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016