Witty Patch notes for 1.9

by on Nov 05, 2005

For a great laugh, check <a target="_Blank" href="http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.aspx?fn=wow-general&t=5647525&p=1&tmp=1#post5647525">this</a> out!

For a great laugh, check this out! Someone has posted up their dream 1.9 patch, and I believe it embodies what we are all hoping for!

For example:


- Warstomp is now a class ability due to the fact that every shaman is a tauren anyway.
- But that doesn't matter because Shamans have been removed from the game. To balance the now uneven Alliance to Horde ratio, Night Elves have been removed from the game.


- Fixed a bug where overpower occasionally did not cause rogues to complain.
- Using whirlwind while dual wielding now deals damage from both mainhand and offhand weapons.
- Using recklessness while drunk will make the effect last longer.
- Warriors can now wield other Warriors.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016