World of Warcraft: Blizzard Adds Target Marker to Minimap in 4.1

by on Mar 18, 2011

<P>The one thing that drives me nuts about life (and <a href="" target="_self"><em>World of Warcraft</em></a>) is that you often can’t see the wood for the trees.

The one thing that drives me nuts about life (and World of Warcraft) is that you often can’t see the wood for the trees. You’re looking so hard for something that it’s right in front of you and you’ll be damned if you can find it. Take last week for example, I was roaming Winterspring looking for a particular NPC, I knew the general area where they were located but not the specific spot. I spent twenty minutes trying to find them before realising they were above me, perched on a rock. /Sigh.

I’m positive I’m not the only one suffering the persistant problem either so there will be much rejoicing come 4.1 as Blizzard is finally adding a marker to the minimap. All you need to do is target something, a mob, an NPC or another player and a little green dot appears. Suddenly finding Hogger/those rare spawns/pesky moving NPCs can be done in moments. Of all the mechanics being added to 4.1, this has made my day and, if you want to see how it looks, Boubouille has a nicely illustrated screenshot that explains everything. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016