World of Warcraft: Blizzard's Darkmoon Faire Site Updated

by on Nov 24, 2010

<P>Blizzard’s new <a href="" target="_self"><em>World of Warcraft</em></a> minisite focusing on the <a href="" target=“_blank”>

Blizzard’s new World of Warcraft minisite focusing on the Darkmoon Faire has been updated with some shiny new unlockables. The bad news? Yes the Horde have once again taken the lead.

That said there are two gorgeous wallpapers - a Horde one featuring Garrosh and an Alliance one based on the Northrend loading page and focusing on the Lich King (I know, I don’t get it either) - as well as not one but two excepts from Christie Golden’s latest WoW novel, The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm. Head on over to take a peek and it looks like the next set of rewards should include more video and even some music! So what are you waiting for? Get sharing!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016